" The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense. "

Pablo Picasso

Revitalizing School Furniture: The Missing Link


We want to give those used school furniture a second life through design thinking process, or else they will be delivered directly to land fill. By collecting those hidden messages, faul language, signature of students as well as a few of suspected chating information found over the past 50 years, the final design is in a form of reading chairs for younger students, motivating them to mingle with each other coming from various level of study in early project meetings. Through the self-initiated project "The Missing Link", alumni could have a chance to come back to school and share their stories over the years. 


"The Green Sense" Trophy Design


"The Green Sense" is the sustainable design competition for students to promote eco-living and make it a habit. We colleced some chopped wood and polished them into sculptural forms for handmade trophies. Every single piece is unique with different character and served as a priceless trophy to remind practipating students to have positive thinking towards sustainability. 




Trophy Design, Chong Gene Hang College


Utilizing 3D printing to build the solid glossy physical object – an iconic image of Chong Gene Hang College possessing a long staircase where students should walk through this designated staircase before arriving school. Each step signifies each year of study, after completion of 6 steps represents an approval of graduation from school. The wooden base served as a foundation of study to support students to study, and to grow in a supportive and sustainable environment.. 





Sustainable Workshop for family, HKSEA


Invited by Hong Kong Society of Education of Arts, introduce a new workshop to promote active sustainable living through making process. With the new knowledge applied to make out a sustainable yet iconic piece of tissue box cover, it can fulfill a mix-and-match life style design making ourselves happier. Life is full of joy and happiness.